Haida Raven or Xuuya with Moon Kuu.ngaay kiixadxa
Often referred to as the Trickster, Raven is a Supernatural being who ceases to be boring!
The Raven teaches us about life- right from wrong and symbolizes change in life, creativity, and humour.
A powerful symbol for Spiritual guidance, the Moon is known to watch over the earth as a protector and guardian.
The Moon governs human emotions, controls the tides and cycles of the Earth and acts as a guardian of souls and is recognized as something, unlike may things, that will always exist.
Reclaimed Print Co. is honoured to have partnered with Clarence Mills in his latest endeavour, creating quality wood prints that are 100% proudly hand made in Canada using locally milled sustainable wood.
Every wood canvas we use will vary with its style of grain, colour and markings. We like to think of it as having its own personality. Due to this your print may look slightly different than the picture shown.
Each wood canvas is surprisingly easy to hang. A routed groove runs the entire width of the print and simply secures with the use of a wall hook or nail.
Note: Our 4x4 inch coasters do not have the routed groove on the back and are only available in Birch.