News — OnlineGames

Overwatch is one of the best first-person shooters around, but coming in as a beginner can feel overwhelming

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You have to get a handle of the maps, play styles, and conventions to succeed. More than anything else, at the heart of the game are Overwatch’s heroes. Each of the 30+ Overwatch heroes are unique. Their attacks, abilities, ultimates, roles, and best strategies are highly specific. When you’re getting started, having a basic understanding of each hero goes a long way toward picking one that suits you. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to each Overwatch hero in turn, and help you pick the best Overwatch hero for your play style. Overwatch Hero Basics As a complete Overwatch beginner,...

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Overwatch is one of the best first-person shooters around, but coming in as a beginner can feel overwhelming

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You have to get a handle of the maps, play styles, and conventions to succeed. More than anything else, at the heart of the game are Overwatch’s heroes. Each of the 30+ Overwatch heroes are unique. Their attacks, abilities, ultimates, roles, and best strategies are highly specific. When you’re getting started, having a basic understanding of each hero goes a long way toward picking one that suits you. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to each Overwatch hero in turn, and help you pick the best Overwatch hero for your play style. Overwatch Hero Basics As a complete Overwatch beginner,...

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