News — Design101
Hi guys, Brian here
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I’m writing this post because we found out yesterday that Emily is allergic to pollen. Like, suuuuper allergic. Like, looking at her you’d think she’d watched “The Notebook” and the opening sequence from “Up” back to back. Her poor little lash-less eyes are so red and watery that she can barely see. Also she’s been so congested at night that she can’t sleep. So last night she took something to knock herself out, and she’s still out as I write this, which is 7:39 am on Friday. That’s crazy for Emily, she’s usually up at 5:30 writing posts for the...
Last week we did our annual HUGE outdoor furniture roundup and while I had SO much fun putting it together I was once again shocked by the general price points on the market
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But I guess when furniture pieces need to withstand a variety of seasons and still look good year after year, it warrants a higher price tag. The truth can hurt…the wallet. But before we move on, watch how Em DIY’ed her patio before that famous beautiful tile went in (just wait for the ad to run first): Ok we’re back! SO because of that, I made it my mission this week to create an affordable accessories roundup post. Because while your outdoor furniture is built to last many many years, you just might want to switch up some throw pillows,...