Puzzle Pages, June 2022: All the Answers

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Here you’ll find the answers to our Puzzle Pages in the June issue of Expat Living magazine. If you love quiz questions and puzzles and you’d like to make sure you get them every month, don’t forget to subscribe to Expat Living!

Answers to Puzzle Page 1


#1 How high is an official basketball hoop, in feet?
#2 Place these three countries in order of population, from biggest to smallest: Spain, France, Italy
#3 What is the lowest form of wit?
#4 In video games, what is the name of Mario’s younger brother?
#5 A pine nut isn’t a nut; what is it?
#6 What title was given to the rulers of Ancient Egypt?
#7 Who did Forbes’ name as the most powerful woman in the world a record 14 times between 2006 and 2020?
#8 What is the total number of different scoring areas on a dart board?
#9 Which product derives its name from the French words for “velvet hook”
#10 What is the name of all five of boxer George Foreman’s sons?


#1 Ten feet
#2 France, Italy, Spain
#3 Sarcasm
#4 Luigi
#5 A seed
#6 Pharaohs
#7 Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel (she occupied the top spot in every year from 2006 and 2002, except in 2010 when Michelle Obama received the accolade instead)
#8 82
#9 Velcro
#10 George


4 2 3  8 6 1  9 7 5
5 6 7  4 9 2  1 8 3
9 8 1  3 5 7  6 4 2

3 5 9  2 4 8  7 6 1
1 7 8  5 3 6  4 2 9
2 4 6  7 1 9  5 3 8

6 3 4  1 2 5  8 9 7
8 1 2  9 7 4  3 5 6
7 9 5  6 8 3  2 1 4


9-letter word: pacemaker

acme, acre, cake, came, camp, cape, care, cark,
carp, cere, cram, crap, mace, marc, merc, pace,
pack, peck, race, rack, reck, apace, areca, caper,
crake, cramp, crape, creak, cream, creek, creep,
crème, crepe, macer, pacer, peace, recap, amerce,
camera, camper, packer, pecker, raceme, repack,


4 3 2 1 5
1 4 3 5 2
2 5 1 3 4
5 1 4 2 3
3 2 5 4 1

expat living puzzle pages answers

Answers to Puzzle Page 2


Match the film with the first words that are spoken in it

  1. “It all began on New Year’s Day in my 32nd year of being single.” – Bridget Jones’s Diary
  2. “Did you hear that? They shut down the main reactor. We’ll be destroyed for sure.” – Star Wars
  3. “Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family.” – Trainspotting
  4. “I believe in America. America has made my fortune.” – The Godfather
  5. “Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess.” – Shrek
  6. “A way out west, there was this fella that I wanna tell ya about.” – The Big Lebowski
  7. “Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport.” – Love Actually
  8. “My name is Jordan Belfort.” – The Wolf of Wall Street
  9. “I’m going back to Australia. I might never see you again.” – Grease
  10. “Saigon. Sh*t! I’m still only in Saigon.” – Apocalypse Now


Complete the titles of these well-known children’s books

  1. The Very Hungry … Caterpillar
  2. Charlie and the … Chocolate Factory (or Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator)
  3. Green Eggs … and Ham
  4. How to Train Your … Dragon
  5. The Hundred and One … Dalmatians
  6. A Bear Called … Paddington
  7. Pippi …
  8. Charlotte’s …
  9. The Tiger Who …
  10. Don’t Let the Pigeon …


Combine your geographical and alphabetical knowledge in this quiz

  1. Name four countries that have only four letters (there are 11)
  2. Which is the only country that begins with the letter Q?
  3. Add three letters to the start of each sequence to form a country: MARK, ANON, GARY, RAIN, MANY
  4. Which country comes alphabetically between Fiji and France?
  5. Which countries are anagrams of “Salad Lover”, “Lizard Newts” and “A Comedian”?


  1. Peru, Iraq, Cuba, Iran, Chad, Fiji, Laos, Mali, Niue, Oman, Togo
  2. Qatar
  3. Denmark, Lebanon, Hungary, Bahrain, Germany
  4. Finland
  5. El Salvador, Switzerland, Macedonia


What comes next in each of these sequences?

  1. 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, ?
  2. Sun, Mon, Tues, Wednes, Thurs, Fri, ?
  3. I, V, X, L, C, ?
  4. Partridge, turtle doves, French hens, calling birds, gold rings, ?
  5. Z, X, C, V, B, N, ?


  1. 3 (the number of letters in the words from “one” to “ten”)
  2. Satur
  3. D (Roman numerals I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500)
  4. Geese (“six geese a-laying” in “Twelve Days of Christmas”)
  5. M (a tricky sequence, but one you look at more than you probably know – these are the letters along the bottom row of a keyboard)

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The post Puzzle Pages, June 2022: All the Answers appeared first on Expat Living Hong Kong.