Welcome back to Week 2 of the One Room Challenge of our Podcast Studio. The first order of business was to remove everything from the space and select a new paint color which would be the backdrop for our dramatic re-design.
All that fabric had to be taken down because something more exciting is going in its place:) A lot of people ask us how we organize fabric books throughout our office (we have another workroom upstairs).
The hanging system we use for our fabrics is the Rubbermaid FastTrack Wall Organization System. You can customize the rails with easy to attach shelves, bins, cabinets, racks, large and small hooks and more. It’s a very versatile system with so many options, the hook system works like a charm and offers great weight capacity ! We purchased ours at Home Depot.
It’s super easy to adjust the location of the hooks - you just lift up, slide and snap back into place.
Time to empty the shelves (the perfect opportunity to purge and organize!) and get everything ready for the painters!
Goodbye beautiful window treatments - you’re being replaced by a more beautiful version!
You are probably wondering what the contraption is that we have set up between two bar stools. It is a beautiful light fixture from Currey and Company that was being discontinued. We had specified it for a large commercial project that wasn’t going to be installed for several months. We couldn’t take the chance of not getting it so we had it delivered to our office and have been storing it in this room!
Uggghhh… where to put it now?
On to more exciting things - like selecting a new paint color! We knew we wanted white. Easy enough right? There are sooo many shades of white. I think we’ve used almost every one in the entire Sherwin Williams palette.
Here were our choices:
o Cotton White - SW7104
o Spare White - SW6204
o Westhighland White - SW7566
o Pure White - SW7005
o Snowbound - SW7004
The WINNER is Sherwin Williams Spare White SW6203
Check out Sherwin Williams brand new Emerald Designer Color Collection of 200 brand new hues, including brighter whites, curated into five designer color collections!
Thank you to Sherwin Williams for sponsoring us and donating the Emerald paint for this project! Emerald paint delivers a beautiful, smooth finish, prevents stains and resists water streaking and spotting. We used a satin finish for this room.
Our awesome painters from Verge and Associates donated their time to paint this space. We’ve worked with them for over 20 years and would not use or refer any other painters but them!! If you live in Atlanta, these are your guys!
Aaaahhh…. so clean and fresh. A new beginning!
Now to find a good home for the Martha Stewart Living Craft tables we currently have in here (note: we used two back to back and put one piece of glass not top to make it a workable partner desk). Originally this was going to be a space for interns but then the podcast came a calling….
We also need to find a good home for the chandelier which we purchased at a thrift store for $19 and spray painted it the perfect emerald green (oh the memories).
P.S. The fabric wall was purged and organized and moved to our second kitchen that we don’t use very much except for overflow accessories before an install. Thanks to Joann’s husband Drew and his buddy Dave for being our patient and meticulous handymen!
So after this experience, we can now add Spare White SW6203 to our list of favorite white paint colors. It was fun to find yet another fave!
To read about our favorite white paint colors click here or “listen” to our podcast Episode #55 where we talk about our favorite white paint colors, the different sheens and other top designers picks of their favorite white paint colors.
Stay tuned next week where we will reveal the 3 colors we’ll be using in furnishings, fabrics and art plus a sneak peek into our design vision for the studio!
A special thank you to the sponsors below!
And follow along the other talented designers in this challenge:
A Glass of Bovino |
Beginning in the Middle
| Beth Diana Smith
| Clark + Aldine
| Coco & Jack
Deeply Southern Home
| Design Maze
| Dwell by Cheryl
| Erika Ward |
Home Made by Carmona
House of Hipsters |
Hunted Interior |
Kandrac & Kole |
Kate Pearce |
Katrina Blair
| Liz Kamarul
Veneer Designs|
Rambling Renovators |
Renovation Husbands |
Studio Plumb
Thank you Better Homes and Gardens - BH&G for being our media partner!
Joann & Kelly #HomeOffices #Before&After #InsideDesignWithKan... #OneRoomChallenge