Full Body Strength and Sculpt

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Get ready to rock your entire body with this fun total body workout!

I’ve used an “elimination” format, so you’ll be eliminating moves with each round you do. I find this style of training is really fun and makes the workout feel like it just flies by!

Wouldn’t it be nice if everything we wanted would feel like it was happening at lightning speed?

Building strength and shifting body composition can feel like it’s taking longer than we want it to sometimes. Our bodies are on their own schedule, and the strength we build over time comes with important benefits like more body awareness, a strong foundation, and more confidence in ourselves – all aspects of training that serve us long term and make the journey worth it.

That’s why I encourage you to be really positive and supportive of yourself as you go through the process of being a work in progress. If things feel like they’re happening slowly, take some of your focus off your training and look at other aspects of your health like your nutrient intake.  Are you eating enough protein? Enough complex, fiber rich carbs? Healthy fat? Plenty of veggies and greens? And how is your sleep – have you made sleep hygiene a priority? How about stress – can you take steps to support yourself there?

These aspects work together to create an optimal state in the body for you to be able to lose fat and build muscle. Without the combination of the sleep, nutrition, stress management and exercise, our body doesn’t have the raw material or the optimal environment to create that healthy, strong muscle tissue, and will store more fat.

If you’re interested in how this all works and ways you can support your hormones, check out this post about body composition for all of it in a nutshell. 

With that being said, there is no question that exercise is an important part of the equation, so let’s get to today’s workout!

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Full Body Eliminations

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Format: In round 1, perform moves 1-9 for 0:30 each | round 2, perform moves for 1-7 for 0:45 | round 3, moves 1-5 for 1:00 each. Rest 15 second between each movement. 

Move 1: Squats

  • Holding a weighted object in both hands, either hanging beside your hips or at your shoulders, begin standing with your feet at hip distance.
  • Engaging between your shoulder blades to keep the weights from rounding your shoulders, brace your core and send your hips back, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees tracking in line with your toes.
  • Drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes as you power back to standing.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Remove the weighted objects and perform this exercise with bodyweight only.

Move 2: Split Squat Jumps

  • Begin in a forward lunge position with your knees bent and aligned over your ankles, back knee hovering off of the mat, chest upright and core braced.
  • With your weight primarily in your front foot and your knees tracking your toes, jump up and switch your front and back legs, landing lightly back in a lunge position.
  • Continue alternating sides for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform alternating reverse lunges to make this low impact and/or hold onto the wall or back of a chair for help with balance.

Move 3: Chest Press to Skull Crusher

  • Begin lying on your back, knees bent, feet firmly planted on the mat and weighted objects in both hands.
  • With a braced core and lower back making gentle contact with the mat, extend your arms straight over your chest with palms facing your knees.
  • Draw your elbows down in line with your shoulders as you bend your arms, lowering the weights with control. Press the weights back over your chest to return to the starting position.
  • Lower the weighted objects straight back to about a 45 degree angle: this is your starting position for skull crushers.
  • Bend the elbows to about 90 degrees, lowering the weighted objects toward your head. Keep your elbows hugging in towards each other as you bend, not allowing them to open out to the side.
  • Extend the elbows straight back to a 45 degree position then shift your arms and the weights back to the starting position over your chest.
  • Repeat this sequence for the allotted time.

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Move 4: Tuck Jumps

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart, core braced, and chest upright.
  • Drop down a little into a quarter squat, engaging through the glutes to explosively jump.
  • Maintaining an upright torso, tuck your knees up towards your chest as much as possible through the jump, before landing as lightly and quietly as you can.
  • Use your arms to assist with momentum or hold your hands at about ribcage level as a guide for your knees’ height.
  • Repeat move for allotted time.
  • MOD: Make this low impact by taking out the jump and alternating between a body squat and high knees:
  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart, core braced, and chest upright.
  • Send your hips back as you come into a squat, bracing your core and keeping your chest up, allowing your knees to track in line with your toes.
  • Drive back up using the strength of your glutes to stand.
  • Draw your left knee up as high as you can, then plant it back on the mat and repeat with right side.
  • Repeat this sequence for allotted time.

Move 5: Bent Over Row to Tricep Kickbacks

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands.
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Draw your elbows up and back beside your ribcage, squeezing your back muscles for a bent over row.
  • From this position, perform tricep a kickback by kicking your arms straight back and contracting your triceps.
  • Slowly lower the weights with control to the hanging position beneath your chest.
  • Repeat this sequence for the allotted time.

Move 6: Crescent Kicks

  • Begin by standing tall in the middle of your mat with core braced and hands in a fighting stance at your chest.
  • Take a small hop to send your right foot a little behind your left foot at hip-width distance and kick your right leg up and across your body, imagining that you’re drawing a crescent with your foot (as high as you’re comfortable with).
  • Be mindful that you are not sacrificing a strong core and tall chest for a higher kick.
  • Briefly plant your right foot and take a little hop to switch your left foot to behind and repeat the crescent kick with your left foot.
  • Continue alternating sides for allotted time.
  • MOD: Remove the hop for low-impact and keep your legs bent as you draw crescents in the air with your knees instead of extended legs.

Move 7: Sit Up Cross Punch

  • Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent, feet on the ground and core braced so that your lower back is pressed gently into the mat.
  • Use your abdominals to sit yourself up and punch your arms one at a time across your body.
  • Lower yourself back down with control until you are back in your starting position and repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Hook your feet under a sturdy surface (like a couch) for more stability.

Move 8: Knee Drivers Left

  • Start with your core braced, left foot behind you, and arms overhead.
  • Powerfully drive your left knee up towards your chest as you swiftly bring your arms down on either side of the knee, as though you are holding a watermelon and breaking it over the knee.
  • Be mindful that you are maintaining an elevated chest and braced core throughout this move.
  • Repeat for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Hold on to the back of a chair or with your hand on a wall to assist with balance throughout this sequence.

Move 9: Knee Drivers Right

  • Start with your core braced, right foot behind you, and arms overhead.
  • Powerfully drive your right knee up towards your chest as you swiftly bring your arms down on either side of the knee, as though you are holding a watermelon and breaking it over the knee.
  • Be mindful that you are maintaining an elevated chest and braced core throughout this move.
  • Repeat for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Hold on to the back of a chair or with your hand on a wall to assist with balance throughout this sequence.

Be sure to check in today and let me know when you do your workout! Always looking forward to hearing how you’re doing, and any questions you have!

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The post Full Body Strength and Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.