Having trouble keeping up with your family appointments, papers, and bills? Are you constantly messing with each other plans because of last-minute changes in your schedule? What you want is a central space where everyone can get on the same page. You are in desperate need of a family command center! Use these 15 inspirational command center ideas to decide and plan what you need to do to get your entire family on track.
And never be late for anything again!
Command Center Ideas to Keep Your Family Organized
1. Put The Command Center In The Kitchen – The Headquarters Of Every Household
We need to keep a lot of things organized nowadays in our homes: papers, coupons, mail, etc. Usually, everything ends up in the kitchen.
Because the kitchen is the heart of every home, it’s usually the first option we consider for making a command center that everyone at home would actually see and use.
I think this kitchen command center is just lovely! The wall organizer is the perfect place to house the important papers, coupons, etc., while the drawers and cubbies hold office supplies.
2. Simple And Practical Kitchen Command Center To Keep Everyone Up To Date Easily
If you’ve never had a command center in your home before, it’s easy to build a habit by starting small and keeping it easy.
You don’t need an elaborate setup to get things organized. Here’s a neat and simple kitchen command center that houses only files and writing tools. Clipping a calendar to the front of the file organizer is such a smart idea! You can easily add more clips for smaller or taller notes on the file organizer sides.
3. The Back To School Command Center You Didn’t Even Know Your Kids Needed
A quick reality check: there are giant piles of neverending laundry in your house. That’s a sure sign you all live under the same roof. BUT… how come you’re the only one who knows where everything is?
The next time your kid asks, “Mom, where are the pencils?” you’ll know exactly where everything is with this super organized homework command center.
4. The Cutest Step-By-Step DIY Homework Center You’ll See Online
Are you on the look for a working organization solution for a designated learning space for two kiddos? Well, this idea might be just the thing you were searching for!
Here’s a cute homework command center with seating for two. Absolutely adorable! And the chalkboard background is a great idea. You can change the quotes every now and then to surprise and inspire your children. I absolutely love it!
5. Make Your Mornings Easier With An Entryway Command Center Idea
Already tried putting together any of the kitchen command center ideas that didn’t work? Is someone in your house constantly missing them? Then, try to switch the command center’s location to a place you can’t miss: the entryway.
Here’s an entryway command center with individual organization ideas for each person. Every child has their own hook for coats and backpacks, as well as a calendar/memo section. Not only you’ll have everyone’s tasks and calendars in one place but you’ll also keep the backpacks out of the way. Instant decluttering!
6. The Chic Command Center That Has A Place For Everything
Use an entire wall and be purposeful about what you place on it for a command center. Make sure you have everything you need! Here’s a list of just a few things you can consider to add:
- a few baskets for important papers
- blank lists
- dry erase calendars
- even a couple of framed quotes for inspiration.
This command center is at the garage entrance and houses everyone’s important things. We love how there’s a space for absolutely everything.
7. Achieve Your Bikini Body Goal With A Personalized Fitness Command Center
Keeping track of your meals, progress, and wins for a healthier body is crucial for achieving your goals. Especially, if you’re a visual type like me.
Create a fitness command center to stay motivated with exercise and clean eating! Create your own labels and printables, or just use post-it notes. Keep it simple and easy for you.
8. Dry-Erase Family Command Centers That You Can Use Over And Over Again
There are no limits to people’s creativity. I just admire how brilliant some of the solutions I find online are! This command center is a great example.
I love that the printables in this family command center are in frames. You can use dry-erase markers to write on them, and just wipe them clean when done to rinse and repeat next week or month. Genius and sustainable!
9. A DIY Command Center That Really Works For Your Family
Are you noticing a trend already? Keeping it simple is key to make your command center work for everyone under your roof. And, having in mind that the question about dinners is every family’s common pain, I just loved this organization setup!
The menu board makes this command center for me. I love that you can save the cards and stick them back up as you rotate through your favorite meals. And the hooks for the keys for the kiddo that ALWAYS looks for them when they leave the house.
10. Utilize The Inside And The Drop Space Of Your Cabinets As A Command Center
If you have a cabinet to spare in your kitchen for a command center, you’re going to love this idea!
This cabinet command center is completely amazing! It has all the perks of the wall-mounted command centers but with a less cluttered look because it’s hidden behind cabinet doors. And there’s something about the color palette that I think is absolutely lovely!
11. Organizing Your Family Time And Declutter With Adding Some Bins
I really like the idea of keeping the command center in the hallway. It is very useful if you have younger kids and wearing their seasonal clothes takes additional planning in advance.
And because I love keeping it simple, I couldn’t miss telling you about this great organization corner. It has a calendar, an important paper organizer, a whiteboard, and hangers. But my favorite part is the bins. Add some bins to catch mittens, scarves, and hats in the winter.
12. Make Meal Planning Easier With Clip Systems On Your Fridge
Marriage is basically constantly asking each other “what would you like for dinner tonight?” until one of you dies.
– Unknown
When I first read this quote, it felt so relatable I laughed for 15 minutes straight. Yep, that was the time when we were a young couple, no kids, not the constant busyness and craziness we have in our lives now. So, wasting time thinking about dinner ideas is not an option anymore.
That’s exactly why I immediately fell in love with this super cute organization idea. This refrigerator command center has a fabulous clip system for meal planning. Add a calendar, organize supplies and keep the schedule visible for everyone, every time they reach to grab a bite.
13. The Industrial Look For A Command Center Even Your Boys Will Love
Pipes, flanges, water taps, iron, refurbished wood, cold colors, and metallic shine – how could one not love the industrial style furnishings? If you’re a fan, too, then you’re going to love the next suggestion we have on the list!
You’ll love the look of this industrial family command center. It’s also really simple and non-fussy. But it really makes an impressive part of the interior.
14. An On-Wall Hallway Command Center – The Hard To Be Missed Family Organization Solution
How many times do you and your kids pass through the hallway each day? If you’re like us, you probably do it several times! That said, they are also pretty good at not noticing what’s not convenient for them to notice.
That’s why, I think a hallway command center is a brilliant idea, as it keeps everything off the walls in your main rooms. And it easily takes away the excuse that someone didn’t see something on the calendar. Win!
15. Get Ready For The School Year With A Blackboard And A Cubby Shelf Command Center
If you’re having kids in school for the first time (been there, seen that…), you should know that it usually requires significant changes in your usual family schedule. After-school activities, sports practices, and friends hangouts become a very significant part of the daily tasks in your kids’ calendar.
So, I found the idea for a cubby shelf in this command center is fabulous! The basket under the table for housing office supplies is also a smart idea.
Isn’t it exciting? You can make a command center in your home by basically just using what you have on hand! It doesn’t have to be complicated at all. In fact, making use of what you already have at home is best.
So think, if you have stored in your garage or junk drawers any of these items for a solid start:
- Whiteboard
- Blackboard
- Wall calendar
- Folders
- Paper clips
- Money clips
- Magnets
- Rods
- Hooks
- Picture or Poster Frames
- Bins
- Mesh baskets
- Markers
- Tags
- and more!
It’s time to get creative! Roll up your sleeves and allow your imagination to get wild! Move things around, test what works, and hugely improve your family’s life. Everyone will appreciate it.
Did you like these command center ideas? Check out these other posts with helpful hacks for your organization:
- 13 Genius Entertainment Center Organization Ideas
- 17 Genius Towel Bar Organization Hacks
- 21 Tips and DIY Organization Ideas for the Home
- Brilliant Freezer Organization Tips You Need {with Video!}
- 18 Pantry Organization Ideas You’ll Wish You’d Thought Of
The post 15 Command Centers to Keep Your Whole Family On Track appeared first on DIY House Hacks - One Crazy House.